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Voucherify Starts Partnership with Netguru
Kate Banasik
Kate Banasik
June 7, 2021
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Voucherify starts partnership with Netguru

As part of that partnership, Netguru will help enterprises build the front- and back-end of their e- or m-commerce platforms, integrating various composable commerce software providers, including Voucherify as the Promotion Management Software. The partnership between Netguru and Voucherify will bring clients faster time-to-market with personalized promotions and best-of-breed e-commerce solutions. 

“Integrating Voucherify is quick and easy, it can take from a couple of hours to a couple of weeks maximum, depending on the complexity of the client-side infrastructure. Where we see our clients struggle the most is that they want fast time-to-market but their developers have other priorities on their plate. Or the Management does not have a clear design concept for the promotions just yet and the ideation and design phases take extra time. This is why we have decided to partner with Netguru. Netguru can step in when our clients need an extra pair of hands for the ideation, design, or development phase.”  – says Tomasz Pindel, CEO of Voucherify
„Strong, multi-functional partner ecosystems are essential for organizations that want to thrive in a digital world. Thanks to our collaboration with Voucherify, innovators will be able to implement and validate their e-commerce ideas faster than before, supported by certified consultants and engineers.” – adds Mateusz Czajka, Chief Delivery Officer at Netguru.

Netguru is a consultancy, product design, and software development company with over twelve years of experience and nearly 700 innovation experts building products for Fortune 500 leviathans and high-growth startups. They have brands like Ikea, Solarisbank, Volkswagen, Temi, or Babbel in their portfolio. Their clients’ projects were featured by world-renowned publishers such as TechCrunch, Business Insider, and Product Hunt. They have delivered over 1400 projects so far to companies all over the world.

Netguru provides ideation, design (UX/UI), website and mobile app development, cloud, and machine learning implementations. Netguru is experienced in developing custom, cloud-based software, using APIs of Amazon Web Services, Heroku, Engine Yard, and DigitalOcean, integrating systems with external platforms, e.g., Salesforce, MailChimp, Google Analytics, and payment providers PayPal, Skrill, PayU, and Stripe – as well as maintaining multi-server infrastructure including Docker-based virtualized deployments.

Netguru offers full product lifecycle support: 

  • Ideation & Evaluation
  • Product Design 
  • Web Development 
  • Mobile Development 
  • Support and Management 
  • Machine Learning and Digital Transformation
  • Cloud Implementation

Netguru can be proud of, amongst many, the following achievements: 


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