Voucherify Tech in Media
Here is a list of interesting articles and interviews created by our team. Note that these articles are written in Polish.
Stop overengineering, build needful stuff
Watch the speech delivered by Tom Pindel, Voucherify CEO, at Quality Excites2019. Learn more about the plague of overengineering and how to avoid it to build products that have a true market-fit.
Go here to watch the presentation.
History of Voucherify
Check out the interview with Mike Sedzielewski, Voucherify CMO, conducted by Artur Kurasiński for Business Hackers series. Learn:
- Why did we launch rspective (now Voucherify Tech)?
- Where did the idea for a SaaS company come from?
- How did the path to revenue look like for us?
- What's coming next.
How to build effective products?
Listen to an interview with Tom Pindel, Voucherify CEO, about building products following the lean methodology.
How to Become a Product Engineer?
Check out Mike's article published on Just Geek IT. If you are interested in a bit more related to product engineering, you can listen to Dostarczaj Wartość podcast and presentation Spread IT.
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