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Coupon Promotions UI and UX Best Practices

  • Learn the best UX and UI practices for coupon presentation and redemption.
  • Analyze the whole coupon discovery and application journey, from promotional banners, ribbons, and pop-ups through category and product pages to basket and checkout.
  • See how global brands present promotional campaigns in customer-facing applications.


Build your promotions UX based on research, not assumptions.

Shoppers love deals, whether in the form of site-wide sales or coupons. However, for promotions to be successful, brands must do two things well:  they must communicate various promotions effectively throughout the site, while making it easy for users to claim those deals.

This ebook collects best practices and inspirations for designing the user interface and user experience for coupon codes and auto-applied promotions. It covers the whole customer journey, from promotional messages and price drops on the website through coupon and promotions validation and application at checkout, and finally, redemption.
