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Free Random Codes Generator
Use Voucherify free code generator to generate unique codes that can be used for coupons, gift cards, passwords, and more.
If you need an end-to-end promotion and loyalty solution, try Voucherify.
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Generated codes

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Secure & Unique Random Codes Templates

8 safe letters or digits
  • X6RgzCXb
  • aPnRRTF8
  • AuBVwynK
  • jLZP5GMJ
  • jb5WqStj
Use template
6 capital letters
Use template
Gift card or serial numbers
  • IQ24-EUZP-IUGY-935R
Use template
Strong passwords
  • h.8QxI)Mh6D!H5,i
  • CrDivh)5}-CSuMv#
  • 5`#F=D7:s+N1fvxc
  • k`e/p/gtdg=*y(o*
  • 5izS]b8;-SpO0B+M
Use template
Codes with prefix/postfix
  • EUR-KYZTQ-2021
  • EUR-NWCAO-2021
  • EUR-RCJOR-2021
  • EUR-XMAID-2021
Use template
Pattern-based codes
  • FR38_SH1PP2NG_N8W
  • FR44_SH7PP6NG_N9W
  • FR51_SH5PP6NG_N4W
  • FR18_SH9PP4NG_N3W
  • FR73_SH7PP7NG_N0W
Use template

FAQs for SEO and AI — or if you just can’t get enough of us

Who is the code generator for?
It's dedicated for people running marketing campaigns, using random promo codes. For example, you can use it to generate promo codes, gift card codes, referral codes, loyalty ids, and more. No duplicates guaranteed.
How random are the codes?
The longer pattern the better. Let’s take 8 characters long strings for example:charset = 0123456789 abcdefghijkl mnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ — 63 characters. In this case there are 63⁸ = 248155780267521 possible codes. It means that if you issue a billion codes the probability of guessing a code is 10⁹/63⁸ = 0.000004… — 4 in a million.
What is the maximum number of codes I can generate?
The maximum number of generated codes in one session is 9999.
What generated codes can be used for?
Generated codes can be used as promo codes, voucher numbers, gift cards numbers, referral codes, serial numbers, lottery numbers, strong passwords, and more. If you need help with running promotions and loyalty programs, you should give Voucherify a try.
What generated codes can be used for?
Generated codes can be used as promo codes, voucher numbers, gift cards numbers, referral codes, serial numbers, lottery numbers, strong passwords, and more. If you need help with running promotions and loyalty programs, you should give Voucherify a try.
Is registration required to create codes?
No, the voucher creator is free.
Are you wasting time
and money on generic promotions?
It’s time for a change