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Code Publication Definition

In Voucherify, the publication is the process of assigning a promo code (discount code, gift card, loyalty card, referral code) to a particular customer. Typically, the publication is made by distributing promo codes to customers, but it can also be triggered by a dedicated API endpoint. When the code is assigned (published) to a given customer, it will be visible in the customer profile. 

The publication is required for loyalty cards and referral codes to work properly. It is optional for promo codes and gift cards. 

How to publish codes?

  • Distribution Manager – you can trigger messages with codes that will also automatically assign codes to customer profiles. 
  • Manually – you can use the dashboard to publish codes to customers manually. 
  • Web widget or landing pages – you can use some UI elements to perform the publish function. 
  • API – use the Create Publication endpoint to publish codes. 

Why use publication?

Code publication for promo codes and gift cards allow users to limit the code usage only to the incentive owner, preventing fraud. Also, by publishing codes to selected users you can build customer cockpits that list all incentives that belong to a given customer. 

To learn more about publication, go here.

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