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Logs Definition

In software development, logs are chronological records of events and activities related to the specific IT system. Logs are created automatically via a process called logging.

How logs work in Voucherify?

In Voucherify, logs record events related to the account, campaigns, and customers. For example, logs record the following actions – validations, redemptions, any campaign modifications, distributions, and publications. The main purpose of monitoring logs is quick troubleshooting and debugging. They can also be helpful to monitor the health of your account, check the effectiveness of campaigns, or analyze customer behavior at a granular level as all customer interactions with the Voucherify platform are recorded and stored in the dashboard. 

Besides dashboard events, Voucherify logs every successful or failed request made using specific API keys. Each resource contains detailed information about the original request, including the request (and response) body. For a quick search, all logs can be filtered via multiple filters to narrow down the search. 

For more information about logs, visit our Help Center.

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