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Discount Effect Definition

In Voucherify, a discount effect is a term that defines how a discount will be applied to the customer's cart. Voucherify offers the following discount effects:

  • The whole order – the discount will be applied to the total order amount. 
  • Select items – the discount will be applied only to selected items. You can also exclude specific products from receiving the discount. 
  • Proportionally to amount – this effect splits the discount proportionally between the discounted products. Each item is discounted proportionally to its share in the total discounted items amount. 
  • Proportionally to quantity – this effect splits the discount proportionally between the discounted products. Each item is discounted proportionally to its share in the total quantity of the discounted items.
  • The most expensive/cheapest item – this effect will apply the discount only to the cheapest/most expensive item in the cart. If two products have the same price they will both be discounted. 
  • Missing items/new items – this effect is only available for unit discounts. It means that either new free items will be always added to the cart or only if they are not already in the cart. 

By using the combination of various discount types, effects, and validation rules, you can build any promo campaign that can target granular segments or business needs. 

To learn more, visit our Help Center.

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