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Code Validation Definition

Incentive validation is the process of verifying whether the customer’s cart can have an incentive applied to it. It is done automatically, based on the pre-set validation rules (limits).

In Voucherify, validation can be performed via an API call that will verify a code provided by customer. The operation can be performed both via client-side or server-side API. The validation process can be as simple as checking whether a given code exists and is active or more complex. With the use of validation rules, Voucherify users can place additional limits on incentives forcing the validation mechanism to check incentive validity against multiple filters, such as customer data, touchpoint, and more.

What is the difference between validation and redemption?

The validation process checks if the incentive can be used (redeemed) in a given context and returns an updated price which can be displayed at the checkout to motivate customers to finish the purchase before actually utilizing the code. 

On the other hand, redemption is the code usage, therefore if a code is placed at the checkout, it will be marked as used by Voucherify. If a customer changes their mind about the purchase and comes back later, they won’t be able to use the code again (unless the code doesn’t have any redemption limits attached).

What is a session locking mechanism?

Voucherify offers a session-lock feature that can temporarily lock the voucher usage after validation. If you register a session, Voucherify will block incoming validation and redemption requests until the session is released. Once redemption is successful the session is removed automatically.You can use this feature to prevent users from using the same code simultaneously (e.g., by placing the same code at the checkout in multiple tabs). For more information, check this article.

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