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Dashboard Definition

In Voucherify, a dashboard is the central point of promotional activities that allow users to access key software functions via a user-friendly web-based interface. Voucherify dashboard allows users to set up campaigns, change their settings, distribute incentives, track and analyze campaigns, change general projects settings, integrate with other software, upload customer and product data, segment customers, and plenty more.

It is divided into following sections:

  • Main view – get an overview of the account and campaigns.
  • Vouchers – browse, create, modify, or delete promo codes. 
  • Campaigns – get an overview of active campaigns and their performance.
  • Validation rules – build validation rules to model desired buying and redemption circumstances. 
  • Distributions – define when and how promo messages should be delivered to customers.
  • Landing pages – design, launch, and track landing pages.
  • Redemptions – get a complete overview of redemptions and their details.
  • Customers – import, delete, edit and view details about your customers.
  • Orders – get an overview of all orders made with promo codes.
  • Products – import, delete, and view details of products and SKUs added to the account. 
  • Rewards – create rewards for loyalty, giveaway, and referral campaigns.
  • Logs – see the complete history of your project. 
  • Locations – build geofences to use later in geofenced marketing campaigns. 

Besides these sections, the dashboard also offers quick access to project settings, team settings, and active integrations, allowing users to monitor their accounts and integration.

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