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User Role Definition

In software applications, a user role defines the rights and restrictions for specific user accounts or groups of accounts. 

For example, there could be an administrative role that is allowed to perform all the actions and a standard user account that is not allowed to modify some of the account settings (e.g., billing information). User roles can be predefined (there is a list of user roles and access levels to choose from) or custom (the company can set the limitations on the user level or create its own user groups).

How user roles work in Voucherify?

Voucherify allows users to do both – choose between predefined user roles or build custom ones by allowing or restricting access to specific parts of the platform. These components give users the ability to launch enterprise-grade promotions, which require the involvement of many parties.

Besides admin, there exist three predefined user roles to choose from:

  • User – can read and modify data from an assigned project, but cannot add new team members or create new projects.
  • Viewer – can read all data from an assigned project, but cannot modify any data.
  • Merchant – can search vouchers and customers, redeem vouchers, and view redemptions. They won't be able to read any other data in the project or perform any other action besides a redemption.

To learn more about inviting users and user roles, go to Help Center.

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