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Globe with highlighted consumer promotions on Black Friday

Stop promotion downtime on Black Friday

Make your infrastructure ready to handle the pressure with scalable and easy-to-integrate Promotion and Loyalty Engine.

Scalable promotion infrastructure for your busiest season yet

65 ms

Average response time

bln +

Managed orders


Enterprise brands



Keep promotions and loyalty programs
running on Black Friday

Rock-solid performance
Hundreds of teams use Voucherify globally to deliver thousands of promo campaigns daily.
Our infrastructure ensures the best user experience with short response times, auto-scaling, and no downtimes.
Custom deployment
Choose a dedicated AWS cluster near you to launch mission-critical projects, handle multi-region delivery, and guarantee data safety without long lead time or unexpected failures.
Unlimited control
Voucherify data model can be extended with custom fields, allowing you to run fully custom scenarios. Stay in control of campaigns with fraud prevention mechanisms and detailed audit logs available right in the Dashboard.

Enjoy the highest security standards on Black Friday

  1. GDPR, CCPA & PCI DSS compliance.
  2. Customizable IP restrictions.
  3. Response SLAs.
  4. ISO 27001 certified.
  1. DDOS protection.
  2. An anomaly detection system (Prometheus, Grafana, New Relic, CloudWatch & Pager Duty).
  1. Disaster Recovery Program.
  2. Reliability and backup (RAID class hardware, AWS S3).

How Bellroy handled Black Friday with cart promotions?

"Voucherify is an excellent platform for businesses looking for a suite of promotional tools at a competitive price, with a marketing-friendly UI.”

Become a Black Friday
trailblazer with dynamic promotions

Run creative campaigns where the ultimate discount value is calculated dynamically based on customer, order, and custom data.
Dynamic Discounts Builder for creative consumer promotions
Promotion API request to publish promo codes

Integrate once and switch Black Friday campaigns on autopilot

Save yourself months of coding promotions from scratch. Instead, leverage developer-friendly building blocks for a shorter time to market and start integrating Voucherify API in your favorite language in less than 5 minutes.
For Developers

Free UX Booster for Black Friday promotions

Looking for ready designs for the best promotional experience in your ecommerce store for Black Friday and Cyber Monday? Use our free, customizable UX kit with ready-to-use components based on the best practices for promotions usability.
Download now
Need help to keep promotions
going on Black Friday?
Hop on a call with one of our experts.