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Voucherify Tech Podcast – How to Start with SaaS Monitoring?
Julia Gaj
Julia Gaj
August 10, 2021
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Voucherify Tech Podcast – How to start with SaaS monitoring?

Check out the newest interview from Voucherify Tech. Watch the video to learn:

  • Why monitoring is crucial in SaaS platforms?
  • What are the must-have tools for the SRE team?
  • What are logs and why do you need them?
  • How to handle emergencies?

Voucherify Promotion Engine is our core product, which currently supports more than 300 companies with personalized promotions. We joined the API-first companies, focused on building an extensive technological basis for our platform to match the top SaaS players.Listen to Paweł Rychlik, Voucherify CTO and rspective co-founder, talking about monitoring in SaaS platforms. Learn everything there is to know about SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) and how we handle platform monitoring in Voucherify.


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