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Case-sensitivity Definition

If something is case-sensitive, it means that it will differentiate between lowercase and uppercase characters.

In the Voucherify context, case-sensitive codes mean that the validation process will differentiate between lowercase, uppercase, or mixed codes. For example, a standalone code “BLACKFRIDAY” would be treated as separate from “blackfriday”. The case sensitivity of the codes is defined during the project setup. Once defined, it cannot be changed for that project.

When to use case-sensitivity?

Case-sensitive codes are better suited for unique coupon codes that should be copied and pasted as they are usually not easy to remember. In that case, the case-sensitive code helps you to prevent fraud (it is harder to hack a code that is case-sensitive). Standalone codes, on the other hand, should be case-insensitive, letting customers use any variant of the code regardless of the casing.

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