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Geoconquest Campaign
Geoconquest Campaign

Send ads to the customers of your competitor based on a geofence around their locations.


Set up a geofence around your competitor store locations, 500m from it. Send a message to the customers entering that perimeter offering a BOGO deal at your location to drive the traffic away from your competitor.

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Geoconquest Campaign

Geoconquest Campaign

Send ads to the customers of your competitor based on a geofence around their locations.


Set up a geofence around your competitor store locations, 500m from it. Send a message to the customers entering that perimeter offering a BOGO deal at your location to drive the traffic away from your competitor.

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Geoconquest Campaign

Send ads to the customers of your competitor based on a geofence around their locations.

Main Benefits

If you run it among your current customers (for example, those that have your app installed or SMS enabled on their mobile devices), this can be a great retention-focused campaign. If you target such ads at new audiences, this can be a great acquisition opportunity for customers who had a good shopping intent but were at the wrong (competitor’s) place. It can help you to “steal” those customers away from your competitors. 

Program rules

Best Practices

  • Offer an incentive to motivate customers to come to you, not to the competitor. 
  • Set up a perimeter a little but further from your competitors’ location to drive the traffic away on time (for example, the parking in front of it). 
  • You can also target customers who have left your competitor’s geofence offering longer-valid incentives so that the next time they would come to you instead of them. 
  • If you plan geoconquesting as an acquisition campaign, offer the incentive only to new customers. 

Learn from Leaders

Back in 2016, Dunkin Donuts famously utilized geofencing technology to lure customers away from the competition by creating geofences around other coffee shops in the area and sending targeted ads to those prospects. Of the 36% that clicked on the offer (a coupon), 18% saved the coupon and 3.6% returned to redeem their coupon.

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