Main Benefits
It is a personalized campaign that offers incentives that appeal to customers as it involves products of their particular interest and not randomly selected items. Usually, cross-selling offers appear less intrusive than non-personalized promotional messages. It is a great way to upsell to your customers and follow-up with them post-purchase.
Program rules
Best Practices
- Follow up with the customers post-purchase after a certain period of time, that makes sense depending on the products you sell. If what you sell is a quickly used up product, you can follow up within a short time frame, if what you sell is a long-term product it would be better to maybe offer accessories or complementary products instead of products from the same category etc. Think about what and when would your customers who bought such a product need or want and follow up with such an offer then.
- You can use various distribution channels for such promotions, choose the one that fits your audience most depending on where they usually shop or which channels they usually check most often.
- This can also work as a retargeting campaign for those users who have not bought the product but browsed similar products, however in that case you may need a Customer Engagement Platform or other personalization engine like ActiveCampaign or Braze to be used together with Voucherify to make the scenario work. The support guide article we refer to here is describing only the scenario when a customer has already bought a product.
- You can do it more than once per customer, but preferably not after every purchase. Otherwise, customers will come to expect it and stop shopping without the discount. You could keep it once in a season or once per year, for example.
- Let your customers change their product preferences by giving them a link to update their preferred product categories. Maybe they wanted to buy baby products only once, for a friend, and in reality, they prefer other products.