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In-store Visits Promotion
In-store Visits Promotion

Gratify customers who visit your brick-and-mortar stores.


Grant 100 loyalty points to your loyalty club members for each visit they make at your physical store. The limit is maximum 1 visit per month (other visits do not get the points).

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In-store Visits Promotion

In-store Visits Promotion

Gratify customers who visit your brick-and-mortar stores.


Grant 100 loyalty points to your loyalty club members for each visit they make at your physical store. The limit is maximum 1 visit per month (other visits do not get the points).

In-store Visits Promotion

Gratify customers who visit your brick-and-mortar stores.

Main Benefits

If you incentivize visiting your store, you will get more traffic there. Targeting your loyalty club members is a tactical choice, as they are prone to purchasing something from your store anyways and the visits in a physical store will often finish with them purchasing something. Thanks to getting more in-person visits, you can further build a relationship with your customers (between shopping assistants and your customers) and you get a chance to show to them your newest collections, try on different products, etc. It can help you sell more to those customers. 

Program rules

Best Practices

  • Do not give away too high of an incentive for visiting the store if you do not want to attract promotion hunters who will be visiting your store just for the credits and will never buy anything (only cash out the rewards). 
  • Advertise your incentives, so that customers know they can get them. 
  • You can send a push notification if a customer enters a geofence around your store (let’s say, 200m radius) reminding them that they can visit your store for extra loyalty points, as they are close by already. 
  • Make sure to limit the number of incentivized visits per customer in a period of time (preferably set it to the amount of time you need to refresh your shop display window, change collection or issue new products, so that the re-visiting makes sense from a marketing perspective). 

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