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2022-10-19 5:00 pm
Tiered Cart Discount
Tiered Cart Discount

A multi-level cart discount that offers different discount levels based on the order value.


Run a multi-level cart promotion with distinct order value break tiers: If customers spend $100.00 or more – 10% off, $250.00 or more – 15% off, $500.00 or more – 20% off, $1000.00 or more – 25% off.

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Tiered Cart Discount

Tiered Cart Discount

A multi-level cart discount that offers different discount levels based on the order value.


Run a multi-level cart promotion with distinct order value break tiers: If customers spend $100.00 or more – 10% off, $250.00 or more – 15% off, $500.00 or more – 20% off, $1000.00 or more – 25% off.

Main Benefits

Tiered pricing is a fantastic way to encourage shoppers to buy more by applying discounts based on the quantity ordered. 

Program rules

Best Practices

  • Limit the promotion budget on the campaign level or on the customer level to avoid wasting your budget. This will help in preventing fraud. For example, a customer could buy many products for many smaller customers to get a bigger discount. 
  • It helps the customers to choose flexibly the number of products based on the offers which would give them a better experience.

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