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New Fixed Product Price
New Fixed Product Price

Launch a promotion on a specific product by setting a new price on it.


As a technology company, set a new fixed price for your smartwatch at $100 (from $159) during the whole December. Limited to three pieces per customer.

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New Fixed Product Price

New Fixed Product Price

Launch a promotion on a specific product by setting a new price on it.


As a technology company, set a new fixed price for your smartwatch at $100 (from $159) during the whole December. Limited to three pieces per customer.

New Fixed Product Price

Launch a promotion on a specific product by setting a new price on it.

Main Benefits

Setting a very low price on one product can bring in new customers. This is a great strategy to promote one particular product. You can also select a product you know you have a higher margin on and can give away a bigger discount on, to bring in traffic. Often customers who are placing an order, encouraged by the offer, may buy other products as well. The flagship product at a lower price is not only a great way to sell out that product but also to attract more visitors and more sales in general. This is also a great strategy for selling out slow-moving products or older product versions.

Program rules

Best Practices

  • Limit the number of products available per customer. You are risking customers buying multiple products at the promotional price and reselling it once your price goes back up. 
  • Keep such promotions short-lived to urge customers to use the offer. 
  • If you plan to run such promotions regularly, change which product is on promotion, as customers may perceive the value of your product as lower, if you constantly offer it at a lower price.

Learn from Leaders

Birdies black friday discount offer

Birdies has launched a Black Friday promotion offering a special, fixed price on their Starling flats ($95 instead of $140). 

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