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Charity Loyalty Program
Charity Loyalty Program

Offer charity-supporting or CSR rewards in your loyalty program.


Create a loyalty program in which one of the rewards the customers can choose is transferring their loyalty points cash value to the charity organization your company has an agreement with.

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Charity Loyalty Program

Charity Loyalty Program

Offer charity-supporting or CSR rewards in your loyalty program.


Create a loyalty program in which one of the rewards the customers can choose is transferring their loyalty points cash value to the charity organization your company has an agreement with.

Charity Loyalty Program

Offer charity-supporting or CSR rewards in your loyalty program.

Main Benefits

A customer is more likely to continue shopping with you over your competitors if they feel that their purchases are helping to make a difference. CSR recently got a lot of buzz and millennials prefer to support brands that are donating to charities and contributing to good causes. Other benefits include bigger attractiveness of the company for young employees, good reputation, increase in revenue and social trust. 

Program rules

Best Practices

  • You can make this reward optional (customers can choose it from a reward catalog or choose whether their purchase will support this cause or not) or obligatory (all purchases give X% to the charity cause or the reward is given to the customers regardless of their will). 
  • You need to research which of the charitable causes speaks to your audience most.
  • You should not overspend your budget, even small donations can make a difference both for the charity and for your customers. Find the right amount to donate that will not hurt your business but will contribute to the cause. 
  • There are many ways you can donate, either by donating a percentage of the order value to the charitable cause (money transfer), donating your products or directly purchasing something for the organization (for example, planting trees). Choose the one that is best for your business from cost or logistics perspective. 
  • CSR-inspired campaigns require effort, finances, and position. CSR-guided companies run the risk of losing focus and missing the chance to make a profit for the company and ultimately lose money. That’s why such a campaign should always be well planned.

Learn from Leaders

Charity loyalty program from TOMS

A good example of a charity rewards program that works is TOMS One for One. In TOMS, with every purchase, customers earn the non-monetary incentive of creating change through various initiatives like the One For One shoe donation and profit-sharing with causes like the Wildlife Conservation Society. TOMS makes their customers feel they make a difference with their purchases, making them feel good about spending money at TOMS.

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