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Product Launch Coupon Campaign
Product Launch Coupon Campaign

Offer a special promotion on your newly launched product to increase market penetration.


Send a campaign of unique discount codes for your newly launched product during pre-sales, only to your VIP loyalty customer segment, to motivate your most loyal customers to try your product and become its advocates. To get some word-of-mouth going, you can also ask for reviews in exchange for an extra 5% off or extra loyalty points.

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Product Launch Coupon Campaign

Product Launch Coupon Campaign

Offer a special promotion on your newly launched product to increase market penetration.


Send a campaign of unique discount codes for your newly launched product during pre-sales, only to your VIP loyalty customer segment, to motivate your most loyal customers to try your product and become its advocates. To get some word-of-mouth going, you can also ask for reviews in exchange for an extra 5% off or extra loyalty points.

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Product Launch Coupon Campaign

Offer a special promotion on your newly launched product to increase market penetration.

Main Benefits

Put a spotlight on a new product or service by offering a unique coupon code only for a specific item in a limited timeframe. You can also drive demand and peak interest by running a pre-launch coupon campaign. You can add a bit of personalization by targeting only specific customer groups to collect a dedicated user base before the product launch.

Program rules

Best Practices

  • Launch and pre-launch coupon campaigns work best when mixed with a bit of exclusivity. Limit the total number of redemptions to make your offer limited and therefore urging. 
  • Ensure that the coupon code is valid only for selected products. 
  • Limit the usage to once per customer and set the discount to be non-transferable, especially if you are targeting specific users only.
  • If you want this sale to be available to anyone, you can set the discount up as a standalone code. 
  • This promotion is a good way for manufacturers to decrease the DTC price of newly launched products and gain wider market share without reducing the RRPs. 
  • You can also set this up as an offer from the manufacturer (you) to the retailers (dealers) to stimulate demand and fill out their stock faster. 

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