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Coupons Based on Payment Method
Coupons Based on Payment Method

A discount given to customers who pay by specific means of payment.


Offer a standalone discount coupon for payment with a VISA card (code: VISA) for 1% off the total order.

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Coupons Based on Payment Method

Coupons Based on Payment Method

A discount given to customers who pay by specific means of payment.


Offer a standalone discount coupon for payment with a VISA card (code: VISA) for 1% off the total order.

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Coupons Based on Payment Method

A discount given to customers who pay by specific means of payment.

Main Benefits

You can promote certain types of payment, such as those that take the smaller commission from you or the ones you form a partnership with.

Program rules

Best Practices

  • This type of promotion can also work exceptionally well as a cart promotion. 

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