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Auto-applied Cheaper Yearly Subscription
Auto-applied Cheaper Yearly Subscription

Make your yearly subscription cheaper than a monthly one to encourage more long-term subscriptions.


Create an automatic promotion for 20% off the yearly subscription plan compared to paying a monthly subscription.

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Auto-applied Cheaper Yearly Subscription

Auto-applied Cheaper Yearly Subscription

Make your yearly subscription cheaper than a monthly one to encourage more long-term subscriptions.


Create an automatic promotion for 20% off the yearly subscription plan compared to paying a monthly subscription.

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Auto-applied Cheaper Yearly Subscription

Make your yearly subscription cheaper than a monthly one to encourage more long-term subscriptions.

Main Benefits

With this type of incentive, you promote advance payments that bring you more liquidity and certainty that customers will stay with you for longer.

Program rules

Best Practices

  • Make sure this incentive is applicable once per year and will not accumulate the 20% discounts over the years, making it too cheap for customers who stay around for years. 

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