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Location-based Coupon Campaign
Location-based Coupon Campaign

Discount coupon campaign valid only for customers from a specific location.


As a restaurant chain, launch a -20% off discount coupon campaign valid only for customers in Washington, where you have recently launched your operations. Coupon is valid both in venues and when ordering online with delivery. The coupon is not valid on beverages and delivery fees.

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Location-based Coupon Campaign

Location-based Coupon Campaign

Discount coupon campaign valid only for customers from a specific location.


As a restaurant chain, launch a -20% off discount coupon campaign valid only for customers in Washington, where you have recently launched your operations. Coupon is valid both in venues and when ordering online with delivery. The coupon is not valid on beverages and delivery fees.

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Location-based Coupon Campaign

Discount coupon campaign valid only for customers from a specific location.

Main Benefits

Thanks to this type of promotion you can target specifically only certain countries or cities, for example a country you have just entered or those with lowest sales performance. 

Program rules

Best Practices

  • Set up the campaign conditions carefully to avoid coupon abuse, for example let customers use the discount just once or within a limited time frame. Exclude products you do not want to discount from your campaign. 
  • Make sure your terms and conditions mention where (cities, countries) the discount will be available and how you determine who can get the discount (all customers who enter that establishment or all customers who have a registered online account on your website where they have entered that specific city or country as their address?)

Learn from Leaders

Uber has set up fences around airports, hotels, night clubs, and more so that people would get notifications letting them know Uber drivers were nearby, right when they needed them. This is a great example of how geotargeting helps to target the right audiences.

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