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Multi-Currency Discount
Multi-Currency Discount

Offer discounts in different currencies, allowing customers to see an equivalent price in various currencies alongside the default currency.


Offer a discount, for example, on a specific item with the default currency set to USD and enable different percentage discounts for clients paying in EUR or GBP – the equivalent of the default currency and discount value.

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Multi-Currency Discount

Multi-Currency Discount

Offer discounts in different currencies, allowing customers to see an equivalent price in various currencies alongside the default currency.


Offer a discount, for example, on a specific item with the default currency set to USD and enable different percentage discounts for clients paying in EUR or GBP – the equivalent of the default currency and discount value.

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Multi-Currency Discount

Offer discounts in different currencies, allowing customers to see an equivalent price in various currencies alongside the default currency.

Main Benefits

  • Customers can make purchasing decisions more confidently when they see prices in their preferred currency, reducing confusion and friction during checkout. Your shoppers find it easier to understand the value of products in their local currency, improving overall CX.
  • Currency-dependable discounts facilitate business expansion into international markets by accommodating customers from different regions, increasing potential sales.
  • Regardless of where customers are located or which currency they prefer, they can enjoy the same discount offer, ensuring fairness and consistency across all markets.

Program rules

Best Practices

  • To implement discounts dependent on currency, use Voucherify's metadata feature to assign the appropriate currency to customers. Ensure that currency information is transmitted to Voucherify for accurate processing.
  • You can construct currency-dependent discounts using Voucherify's dynamic discount formula builder, employing the logical operator 'switch'. In the expression field, select the relevant metadata and add cases corresponding to the currencies you accept.
  • Currency-dependent discounts can be applied across various discount types, including product-specific promotions, POS/online shopping, or promotions spanning multiple countries with different currencies.

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