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Rechargeable Gift Card
Rechargeable Gift Card

Offer a rechargeable gift card to your customers as a pre-paid option to pay for their shopping.


Offer a prepaid card to pay for shopping in your store, that gives preferential conditions (special line at the checkout, special discounts only valid for this payment method) and also gives the customer 105% of the credit he paid to the card (if they pay $100, they get $105 in gift card credits).

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Rechargeable Gift Card

Rechargeable Gift Card

Offer a rechargeable gift card to your customers as a pre-paid option to pay for their shopping.


Offer a prepaid card to pay for shopping in your store, that gives preferential conditions (special line at the checkout, special discounts only valid for this payment method) and also gives the customer 105% of the credit he paid to the card (if they pay $100, they get $105 in gift card credits).

Rechargeable Gift Card

Offer a rechargeable gift card to your customers as a pre-paid option to pay for their shopping.

Main Benefits

Some people do not like paying with credit/debit cards but appreciate the ease of paying with cards, as opposed to bank transfers. You can offer a prepaid gift card to make online purchases easier for them, so that they only need to transfer money once in a while.You gain more liquidity if your customers prepay their gift card. You can get some free income if your customers pay for the gift card that will expire before they use it up, which often happens. 

By offering one pre-paid card instead of asking your customers to purchase separate gift cards each time they run out of money on their card you make it easier for them to use the card (no need to save different bar codes, just one identifier). It could be also saved automatically on their account and they could be prompted to pay with it at the checkout to make it even easier for them.

Program rules

Best Practices

  • To give something back to your customers for giving  you more liquidity and possibly free gains if they do not use up the money on the card (and losses for them), you can offer multiplying the value they pay to the card, for example offering 110% of the value they transferred to be usable in your store.
  • You can also offer other perks for this payment method to encourage it like special treatment, other discounts and offers. 

Learn from Leaders

Preloaded gift card from Amazon

Amazon offers an Amazon Prepaid Card that sometimes has offers like free credits with the next recharge.

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