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Bundle with a Free Gift
Bundle with a Free Gift

Offer a product bundle where one of the products is free of charge.


Offer a bundle with shampoo, conditioner and a hair mask from the same line of products, where if bought together, the hair mask comes free of charge.

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Bundle with a Free Gift

Bundle with a Free Gift

Offer a product bundle where one of the products is free of charge.


Offer a bundle with shampoo, conditioner and a hair mask from the same line of products, where if bought together, the hair mask comes free of charge.

Bundle with a Free Gift

Offer a product bundle where one of the products is free of charge.

Main Benefits

By selling products as a bundle, you encourage customers to spend more (buy more products) than they may have originally planned, thanks to the attractive promotion. You can also sell out unwanted stock, by adding it as a product in the bundle offered free of charge. 

Offering complementary products free of charge with the main product is a great way to increase the purchases of the main product as customers who were waiting for the right moment to purchase it may be finally convinced to purchase.

Program rules

Best Practices

  • Calculate your ROI from this promotion carefully. Do not give away a high-value product, as compared to the whole price bundle. Be careful juggling prices and margins. 
  • Ensure this is a time-limited offer and do not repeat the same promotion too often on the same set of products, otherwise you will not get additional sales from it, just customers who wanted to buy these products anyways.
  • It is advisable to restrict product returns of the free gift, otherwise customers may try to abuse the promotion by purchasing the bundle and then returning the free gift they actually did not pay for, to get cash back for it. 
  • Limit the number of bundles one customer can buy.

Learn from Leaders

Orangewood promotion bundle

Orangewood has launched a Black Friday promotion offering a product bundle using a coupon code. Customers had to add to their carts Orangewood Guitar, an Accessory Kit and Ernie Ball strings as well as use a coupon code Bundleup20 to claim the offer. The Accessory Kit and Ernie Ball strings were offered free of charge, if the purchase qualified for the offer. 

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