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Age-based Cart Discount
Age-based Cart Discount

Offer a different discount value for different segments based on their age.


Offer a discount exactly in the amount of the age (years of life) of the customer, for example 10 years old equals 10% of discount. Another example can be offering a discount only for certain age groups, for example -50% for customers under 18 or above 65 (often present in venues or public transportation companies).

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Age-based Cart Discount

Age-based Cart Discount

Offer a different discount value for different segments based on their age.


Offer a discount exactly in the amount of the age (years of life) of the customer, for example 10 years old equals 10% of discount. Another example can be offering a discount only for certain age groups, for example -50% for customers under 18 or above 65 (often present in venues or public transportation companies).

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Age-based Cart Discount

Offer a different discount value for different segments based on their age.

Main Benefits

You can positively discriminate against certain age groups, helping them to afford your services or products. If applied smartly and to the right businesses, it can have a positive PR impact. Moreover, if you discount the products or services more to the groups that otherwise would not buy it, you can close more sales.

Program rules

Best Practices

  • Only offer this type of discount if it makes sense from the PR perspective. An example of a successful brand who did this promotion is Vision Express, an optical store chain. In their case, there is a significantly higher number of clients in the older age, who also lack the financial resources to purchase glasses, so discounting the products more for them made sense for Vision Express both financially and from the PR perspective. 

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