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Weather-based Coupon Campaign
Weather-based Coupon Campaign

Offer a discount valid only in specific weather conditions.


As a restaurant, offer a -20% discount coupon valid only if it is raining. This way you will motivate customers to get out of their houses and eat out despite bad weather. You can also offer it for food delivery, which may be even more convenient and successful.

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Weather-based Coupon Campaign

Weather-based Coupon Campaign

Offer a discount valid only in specific weather conditions.


As a restaurant, offer a -20% discount coupon valid only if it is raining. This way you will motivate customers to get out of their houses and eat out despite bad weather. You can also offer it for food delivery, which may be even more convenient and successful.

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Weather-based Coupon Campaign

Offer a discount valid only in specific weather conditions.

Main Benefits

This is a very creative campaign that will definitely generate some buzz around your company and make the promotion a little bit gamified. It has also a deeper thought behind – bad weather, especially rainy and cloudy days or cold weather is demotivating customers from shopping. It decreases the shopping frequency and average basket value. Therefore, offering a discount in particularly bad weather or extreme weather conditions can bring your revenue back up.

Program rules

Best Practices

  • Analyze your sales results and compare with the weather forecast for that day to see if you can see any difference in the customer spending. Offer discounts when the weather forecast is similar to the one that has affected your sales negatively in the past. 
  • Advertise your promotion via various channels to inform people about the campaign.
  • Set up the promotion conditions to actually check, if the weather conditions are met. This requires a lot of automation especially for multi-region or international businesses where nobody can actually verify the weather when applying the promotional coupon. 

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