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Newsletter Sign-up Discount
Newsletter Sign-up Discount

Offer an automatic discount to all customers who subscribe to your newsletter.


Offer a 10$ promo code for the next purchase if someone subscribes to the newsletter, only if the minimum order is worth at least 100$.

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Newsletter Sign-up Discount

Newsletter Sign-up Discount

Offer an automatic discount to all customers who subscribe to your newsletter.


Offer a 10$ promo code for the next purchase if someone subscribes to the newsletter, only if the minimum order is worth at least 100$.

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Newsletter Sign-up Discount

Offer an automatic discount to all customers who subscribe to your newsletter.

Main Benefits

Building a relevant email list is a top priority for brands who want to stay top of mind. However in the age of spam, customers are reluctant to share their private information with companies they just stumbled on. Offering a newsletter sign-up discount for the first purchase is a tested strategy for increasing the chances of conversion. Once customers share their personal data, you can start building a relationship with them and share relevant offers to foster customer loyalty.

Program rules

Best Practices

  • Make sure the newsletter discount has a once per customer limit to avoid customers unsubscribing and subscribing again to get the discount multiple times. 
  • Add a minimum order amount to incentivize customers to spend more in your store for their first-time purchase.
  • You can also offer different discounts like free shipping, free product, percentage discount as a welcome incentive. 
  • A/B test which type of discount and in which amount works best to get customers to subscribe to the newsletter.
  • To increase the chances of conversion, let customers know what they can expect from your newsletter – will it include exclusive offers, new products updates or something entirely different?

Learn from Leaders

Newsletter discount from Fairytale Brownies

Fairytale Brownies, a family-run brownie and cookie store, sends a really sweet deal for newsletter subscribers – a 10% off their next order with a unique discount code. They give a very short window of opportunity to use their offer (only 3 days!) to motivate the new joiners to purchase from them for the first time.

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