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Post-purchase Referrals
Post-purchase Referrals

Offer a double referral reward for customers who send a referral on the spot from your store.


Run a referral campaign where you encourage customers who have just finished their purchase to refer their friends for a double referral reward (as compared to sending it later on, from home).

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Post-purchase Referrals

Post-purchase Referrals

Offer a double referral reward for customers who send a referral on the spot from your store.


Run a referral campaign where you encourage customers who have just finished their purchase to refer their friends for a double referral reward (as compared to sending it later on, from home).

Post-purchase Referrals

Offer a double referral reward for customers who send a referral on the spot from your store.

Main Benefits

By urging customers to make the referral on the spot you can achieve higher conversion rates than if you were offering the same campaign later on. As your customers have just bought from you, the experience is fresh in their minds and they may be more willing to refer a friend. 

Program rules

Best Practices

  • As you need to assign the reward on the spot, your successful referral should be set to referring a friend (not to the friend completing a purchase).
  • Make the campaign time-restricted, otherwise you risk fraud and abuse.  
  • Inform customers about the campaign via push notifications or SMS messages and the the cash register for in-store shoppers.

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