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Customers Nearby Promotion
Customers Nearby Promotion

Send an incentive to customers who are close to your physical store.


Send a -10% off coupon expiring in 24 hours automatically to every customer who has your mobile app installed and enters a 500m radius from your brick-and-mortar store via push notifications on their mobile devices.

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Customers Nearby Promotion

Customers Nearby Promotion

Send an incentive to customers who are close to your physical store.


Send a -10% off coupon expiring in 24 hours automatically to every customer who has your mobile app installed and enters a 500m radius from your brick-and-mortar store via push notifications on their mobile devices.

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Customers Nearby Promotion

Send an incentive to customers who are close to your physical store.

Main Benefits

With this promotion type, you can catch your customers at the right time and, more importantly, place – when they are close to your physical location and convince them to visit your store by offering them the incentive (discount on their purchase). This way, you can acquire customers who were anyway close to your location and probably in a shopping spree mood.

Program rules

Best Practices

  • Set up a geofence around your store and target customers who are close with an incentive that expires shortly (for example, in one hour), to motivate them to come over to your store and complete a purchase. 
  • Set up a reasonable radius, walking distance from your store. 
  • If you have customer data available, you can offer personalized promotions, for example on selected products only. 
  • You can differentiate the incentive between regular and VIP customers. 
  • You can deliver the incentive via other mobile-friendly channels, for example SMS, email, or live chat. It does not need to require your customers to have your mobile app installed.

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