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Conscious Products Promotion
Conscious Products Promotion

Offer an automatic discount on environmental-friendly products.


Offer a 20% off discount on your clothing series created from recycled materials to celebrate the Global Earth Day.

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Conscious Products Promotion

Conscious Products Promotion

Offer an automatic discount on environmental-friendly products.


Offer a 20% off discount on your clothing series created from recycled materials to celebrate the Global Earth Day.

Conscious Products Promotion

Offer an automatic discount on environmental-friendly products.

Main Benefits

Customers enjoy buying eco-friendly products as they feel they can contribute to the bigger picture with their consumer choices. Such purchases make them feel good about themselves. On the other hand, bio, eco-friendly or supporting charities products tend to be more expensive (they are more expensive to produce or companies put a higher price point on them to use that some customers are ready to pay a premium price for such products). To advertise them to the general public (and not only those customers who are ready to pay premium) and boost their sales you can run a promotion on them. Moreover, the promotion can bring you more positive PR and free advertising as environmentally friendly products get more press coverage than usual and their promotions may be considered news-worthy.

Program rules

Best Practices

  • Do not discount your product line excessively as this may make your customers think they the products are not worth their regular price. 30% would be the maximum promotion we would propose. 
  • Instead of running a discount for the whole product line, you can also run a discount on a particular product. 
  • If you do not have eco-friendly products in your portfolio, consider running a charity campaign where you will donate a certain percentage of your sales to a charity. 
  • If you already have a charity donation in place (you give a certain percentage of your sales to a charity) you can also run a promotional campaign doubling that amount in a short time period. 
  • If you can relate the campaign to some events or occasions you may get more attention or press coverage (for example, Global Earth Day or Recycling Day).

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